Jman will probably be upset at this story, but it cracked me up last night. Well that and embarrassed me. We had a long day, so I told him he could choose where we went for dinner. He said CHUCKY CHEESE. We haven't been in a long time, so I said okay. We ordered a small pizza, got some tokens, and off he went. Well, the pizza came, he sat down, ate a little and off he went. I ate what I wanted and decided it was time for us to go, it was late. So I went, found Jman and tried to get him headed to the door. Well he headed out alright. Straight to table with pizza on it. Not out table. And picked up a piece of pizza before I could stop him. I was mortified. I got him to put it down, and went and apologized to the family. I felt AWFUL. What kind of mother was I???? Got him out to the car, and by now he is hysterical. Not because he was embarrassed, but he was hungry. And tired. And did I mention hungry? So we drove the McD's in the SLOWEST drive thru line EVER!!!! He ate on the way home and that was that. Thank the heavens today is friday and we can relax tonight.