So I am a little late in posting this. But basically it is because I have very little to share. The highlight of my week was a Bastille Day Party (14th of July) on the 12th. (hard to "party" on a Monday)
My days are consisting of working, running, relaxing, maybe eating dinner if I am hungry. Oh and working on cleaning out some closets and other fun stuff.
This morning I got up normal time (4-430 am) to make stuff to take for a breakfast this morning at work. Hated to give up my snooze time, but eh............
Jman's days on the other hand consist of eating (evidently a TON as the kid has put on 4 pounds in 3 weeks......... or about 8% increase in body weight..............) and shopping for more (notice I didn't say replacement...........) clothes. I hear he is also getting a few legos. (Papa, take me back to the PX after work today okay? Why......... I need another legos!)