Saturday, March 22, 2008

It never looks like the picture

So I was trying to make an Easter bread that my mom has made for years.

Here is the picture in the cookbook:

And here is how it turned out: And I DOUBLED the recipe to make 2. Maybe it did rise like it should have or something. :(

Ready for the runners.


Last weekend we went to watch some our of best friends run in Shamrock's 1/2 marathon for St Paddys............

Monday, March 10, 2008


We are now done with Science Fair. Thank the heavens. Jman did his project on how kittens grow and we survived it. We took the "boys" as we call them to the fair for him to use as examples. He loves the boys. (i know this isn't the best picture, but this is all I have)

He was also a big helper this weekend and helped me to put together some furniture I had bought for his room. (it is a three tiered thing that you slide storage bins into for like legos and stuff). He worked steadily with me for quite a while to get it together and then we put it in his room and he started to fill it up. :) I think he likes it.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Yeah, I know I know

I don't get on here often enough to keep everyone up to date.

Well that is because even tho we don't have any activities, I dont' ever seem to have any time. We have all those fun things on hold hoping that Jman can make it thru the first grade (anyone remember the struggles with Kindergarten homework at Wednesday night suppers????) He is making progress but seems content not to be doing much else.

I will try to remember to get the camera out and take pictures of the science fair on Saturday (whose idea was that???). His project is on how kittens grow but he told his teacher that he doesn't know anything about kittens. (he really does he just doesn't realize it) (like did you know that they have 26 baby teeth? and that they are born blind and deaf?)

I love my job. Thank you Jesus for blessing me with a job that I love. I think we may be settling in at a Baptist church here locally, but I am not sure yet. Jman loves it. And as far as he is concerned THAT IS OUR CHURCH! We will see. He picked out KABC for us, so who knows.

oh and I guess the dating scene is a little better here as men are interested in me, not sure if that is good or bad..............