Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun being the attentive mom

From time to time I wonder if trouble just follows me. Jman has had a few days (try several) where he REALLY didn't want to go to the Y. So I asked why............ only to find out that one of the counselors has been telling him he was writing him up........and I have not seen a piece of paper. So I addressed it with the person I deal with daily when I take Jman in.......... then this weekend he tells me a story about the same counselor breaking a clipboard by slamming it on the table. UM??? Why am I the only one it seems that hears these things.......... oh the fun. SO. I addressed it up a higher level. We will see what comes next.

But my question is always, is it just me? Or is it that because I actually pay attention I see things differenly than other parents? I cannot believe that I care more than other parents.......... we are all parents, we all love our kids.........

1 comment:

The Nassars said...

It could be that your relationship with Jman is such that he feels comfortable talking with you about things. AND yes, you are the type of parent that finds she has time enough to address difficult situations on behalf of her son in SPITE of your busy schedule...
kudos to you!